My Hair Care Journey to get beautiful hair!

Hey lovely readers! Today, I will share my hair care journey with you in detail. I will share how I make my hair beautiful and what challenges I faced during this entire journey. So let’s start:

Table of content:

How did I decide to start a hair care journey?

How did I find the perfect hair care routine?

My current basic hair care routine

Changes I Noticed

Challenges I Faced During My Hair Care Journey

Final Thoughts

Before and After

This article is about my hair care journey to get my beautiful hair back.How I found perfect hair care routine and what is my current routine? changes

How did I decide to start a hair care journey?

My hair was naturally beautiful but a bit dry. I had no plan to start a hair care routine because I loved my hair’s natural texture. However, I faced a tragedy that urged me to start a hair care routine.

One day, I was cleaning my room and I found a bottle of hair oil I had bought years ago but never used it. The label was slightly faded, but the bottle looked intact. Without thinking much of it, I applied the oil to my hair.

Over the next few days, my hair started to feel unusually greasy and dull, and there was a noticeable increase in hair fall. Each time I brushed my hair or ran my fingers through it, more strands came loose. I checked the old bottle more closely. I found that the oil had expired years ago and it damaged my hair roots.

I researched a lot and started a new hair care journey focused on nourishment and repair. Keep reading to know my current hair care routine and how I found it. It was a slow and challenging process, but I was committed to reversing the damage.

How did I find the perfect hair care routine?

I wanted to restore my hair’s health and beauty. From that day, I promised myself to make my hair grow back. But I didn’t know where to start so I started research.

I start by reading blogs and watching YouTube videos where hair care experts share tips and routines. I saw Dr. Sam's YouTube video on hair care routine and it was super helpful. After all this research, I began to know that, to start a hair care routine it is necessary to know your hair type.

I went to a hair specialist near me and she told me that I have low porosity hair. I also read books on natural hair care that broke down the science behind different hair types. I came to realize that I need to take extra care of my hair because it is dry and is more prone to breakage.

Understanding my hair type helped me learn that I needed to use lighter products and focus on heat to help my hair absorb moisture. In this journey, I also cleared my misconceptions and found products that truly work for my hair.

My current basic hair care routine

Establishing my hair care routine was a journey of discovery, learning, and a bit of trial and error. My hair is dry and has low porosity, which means it struggles to absorb moisture and needs special care

1.      Washing

I wash my hair once a week with a sulfate-free shampoo. This helps cleanse my scalp without stripping away the natural oils my hair needs. Before washing, I do a scalp massage with coconut oil, which helps protect my hair from the drying effects of shampoo.

2.      Conditioning:

 After shampooing, I use a moisturizing conditioner. I let it sit for about 10-15 minutes before rinsing it out with lukewarm water. Once a month, I use a deep conditioner, sitting under a dryer for 20 minutes to add extra moisture to my hair.

3.      Leave-In and Sealing

Post-wash, I apply a leave-in conditioner while my hair is still damp. I follow this with light oil, like Argan oil, to seal in the moisture.

4.      Protection:

 I avoid too much heat styling and tight hairstyles. I don’t brush my hair when it is when it is wet. I wear a hat when I go outside.

Natural treatment once a week

I also experiment with different DIY remedies every week. One of my favorite DIY remedies is a banana and honey hair mask, which I use once a week for added moisture and shine. I’ve also incorporated natural products like aloe Vera gel and apple cider vinegar rinses, which help maintain my scalp health.

Changes I Noticed

I followed this hair care routine diligently and then I began to notice significant improvements within a few weeks. There was much improvement in my overall hair health and appearance. However, it took me 3 months to see these results because my hair was badly damaged.

My hair fall decreased and my strands became less prone to breakage, resulting in softer hair. I felt that my hair became less dry because of moisture added to the hair, making it more manageable and easier to style. This addition of moisture has given my curls more definition and shine, making my hair look healthy. The routine that I followed not only suited my hair type but also stopped my hair fall.

Challenges I Faced During My Hair Care Journey

It hasn't been all smooth sailing, and I've hit quite a few bumps along the way. If you're dealing with similar issues, I hope my experiences can offer some comfort and guidance.

1. Hair Damage and Breakage

Early on, I faced significant hair damage and breakage. I didn't realize that my hair needed extra care and attention, especially since it is dry and has low porosity. My hair was constantly breaking, and I couldn't understand why it wasn’t growing.

How I Overcame ItI started by cutting out heat styling and harsh chemicals. I also added more protective styles to minimize damage. Deep conditioning treatments became a regular part of my routine, and I focused on gentle handling. Slowly but surely, my hair began to recover.

2. Scalp Issues

Another big challenge was dealing with scalp issues. I had a dry, itchy scalp that seemed impossible to soothe. It was irritating for me and also embarrassing at the same time.

How I Overcame ItI switched to a sulfate-free shampoo and started doing weekly scalp massages with natural oils like tea tree and peppermint. These oils have soothing properties that help reduce itchiness and dryness. I also made sure to rinse thoroughly to avoid any product buildup on my scalp.

3. Finding the Right Products

Finding the right products for my hair was a frustrating process. I spent a lot of time and money trying out different shampoos, conditioners, and styling products, only to end up with a cabinet full of stuff that didn’t work.

How I Overcame ItI learned to understand my hair's needs and started reading ingredient labels more carefully. I found that simple, natural products worked best for my hair type. Now, I stick to a few trusted products and avoid the temptation to try every new thing on the market.

4. Patience and Consistency

One of the toughest challenges was staying patient and consistent. When I didn’t see immediate results, I felt discouraged and was tempted to give up or switch routines too often.

How I Overcame It: I reminded myself that hair growth and health improvements take time by watching motivational videos on YouTube. I set realistic goals and focused on progress rather than perfection. Keeping a hair journal helped me track changes and stay motivated.

Final Thoughts

Looking back on my hair care journey, I'm amazed at how far I've come. There was a time when I felt like giving up, but sticking with it has paid off. My hair is healthier, and I feel more confident in my routine. It's been a learning process, full of trial and error, but every challenge taught me something new. I'm proud of the progress I've made, and I hope my story inspires you to start or keep going on your hair care journey.

As for the future, I plan to keep exploring new natural products and maybe even create some DIY recipes to share with you. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey. Remember, every hair journey is unique, and it's okay to have setbacks. Keep believing in yourself and your goals. You got this, and I'm here to cheer you on every step of the way!

Before and After 


This article is about my hair care journey to get my beautiful hair back.How I found perfect hair care routine and what is my current routine? changes

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